CPD Training
Working with teachers
Teaching science through drama
An exploration of how to use traditional drama techniques within science topics to bring learning to life.
Attendees will:
Develop an appreciation of how to use hot seating, miming, modelling, role-on-the-wall, spontaneous role play, teacher in-role, narration, thought-tapping, and promenading across a variety of science topics.
Be ready to use drama in their science sessions.
Science and art: a link-learning approach
An introduction into the benefits of adopting a science and art and design link-learning approach.
Attendees will:
Be confident to use a link-learning approach which ensures that learning occurs in both art and science.
Be confident to develop creative art projects which reinforce science subject knowledge and art skill development.
Assessing science with drama
An exploration of how drama can be used to assess children’s understanding of scientific concepts.
Attendees will:
Have a practical understanding of how drama provides a window into children’s thinking in science which can be used to make accurate formative assessments and highlight misconceptions.
Build an appreciation of how scientific drama can be used to increase dialogic talk which gives a vehicle for assessment.
Awe and wonder as a starting point for enquiry
An exploration into how phenomenon from the world around us can launch enquiry investigations.
Attendees will:
Be enthused to use ‘wow moments’ in science sessions to instil a sense of mystery and intrigue so that children are driven to find answers to questions that are raised.
Have a clear understanding of how to use contextual hooks as starting points for scientific enquiries.
Using drama for retrieval practice
An exploration into the use of drama for retrieval practice in science.
Attendees will:
Develop an understanding of how to use drama as a learning tool to help children to recall science knowledge.
Be enthused to plan learning opportunities which utilise drama to help children embed science knowledge in their long-term memory.
English and science: a link-learning approach
An introduction to the benefits of utilising a science and English cross-curricular approach.
Attendees will:
Develop an understanding of how to use a link-learning approach which ensures that learning occurs in both English and science.
Be enthused to plan learning opportunities which incorporate science and English to release curriculum time, add depth and purpose to children’s learning.
Superhero Scientists
An exploration into the importance of introducing children to a diverse range of scientists.
Attendees will:
Understand the importance of adapting their science curriculum to incorporate a range of scientists from a diverse range of backgrounds.
Be ready to diversify their science curriculum to develop children’s science capital.
Courses can be delivered as full day, half day and twilight sessions. Keynote lectures are also available.
The fee for sessions and keynotes is based on a sliding scale, taking into account the number of delegates attending.
The charge for a half day course or a twilight training session begins at £400 and the fee for a full day course begins at £650. The fee for a keynote lecture begins at £350. Travel costs are charged in addition.
Courses can be adapted and tailored packages can be negotiated to meet specific requirements. Please contact David to discuss.